La siguiente ilustración fue altamente inspirada en la canción:
"Army Of Me"
stand up
you've got to manage
i won't sympathize
and if you complain once more
you'll meet an army of me
you're allright
there's nothing wrong
self-sufficience please!
and get to work
and if you complain once more
you'll meet an army of me
you're on your own now
we won't save you
your rescue-squad
is too exhausted
and if you complain once more
you'll meet an army of me
you've got to manage
i won't sympathize
and if you complain once more
you'll meet an army of me
you're allright
there's nothing wrong
self-sufficience please!
and get to work
and if you complain once more
you'll meet an army of me
you're on your own now
we won't save you
your rescue-squad
is too exhausted
and if you complain once more
you'll meet an army of me
Tinta y marcador de color sobre cartulina (A3)
Esta ilustración vendría a ser la 2da Parte de esta otra, pero a menor escala.
Mirando mas profundo se aprecian las extrañas formas q contiene esta ilustración, de alguna manera se autocomponen, incluso al punto de crear otra obra completamente diferente! solo con algunas variaciones digitales de tono...