26 mayo 2008

desde un cuaderno olvidado, dentro de un cajón sin etiqueta

Lucifer sam, siam cat.
Always sitting by your side
Always by your side.
That cats something I cant explain.
Ginger, ginger, jennifer gentle youre a witch.
Youre the left side Hes the right side.
Oh, no!
That cats something I cant explain.
Lucifer go to sea.
Be a hip cat, be a ships cat.Somewhere, anywhere.
That cats something I cant explain.
At night prowling sifting sand.
Hiding around on the ground. Hell be found when youre around.
That cats something I cant explain.

1 comentario:

gaby eufórica dijo...

be a HIP CAT!!! no sé por qué me gusta tanto ese dibujo... mmm... mmm... mmm...